Harnessing Data for Efficient Local Government Services
Harnessing data held across local authorities and agencies brings key benefits for local government and its citizens. It provides more efficient services and valuable insights into the needs of local people. However, tapping into this rich source of information is a significant challenge. Access must be fully secured and compliant with data privacy regulations, particularly when data is shared across many different local government siloed systems and legacy technologies.
Vigilant has a track record of helping local authorities streamline services using the VigilancePro Secure Data Sharing Platform.
Digital Transformation with the VigilancePro Information Governance Solution
In the move towards digital transformation data is playing a key role in innovating and improving services. With data held in complex legacy systems throughout Local Authorities and agencies there are significant barriers to accessing and sharing information.
VigilancePro is a flexible solution that enables local authorities to extract and share data gathered from different applications, systems and endpoints (such as laptops and other devices). VigilancePro enables:
- Real-time data matching ensuring data quality – checks for accuracy, completeness, and reliability of data, to reduce conflicting information across different departments
- Data extracts to be checked before sharing – ensures that all information is fully compliant with GDPR and other data protection regulations
The result: Fully compliant, shared data, that can help stop council tax fraud, identify the needs of citizens across different agencies, reduce resource costs, and improve service efficiencies.
Local Authorites Share Date Extracts in compliance with GDPR.
- Compare records to optimise Services
- Identify vulnerable people
Data Matching and Real-Time Data Enables Local Authorities to:
- Act immediately on fraud
- Execute evacuation plans for vulnerable people within minutes
- Securely share data with emergency services and other agencies
Stop Fraud.
Improve Services with real-time response.
- Stop improper use of employee devices
- Stop non-secure data sharing
What we have achieved in Essex is arguably the best example of Digital Transformation in Local Government.
Vigilant’s VigilancePro counter fraud platform has paid for itself many times over. Working together, Essex Local Authorities have recouped over £3.5 million in real cash from incorrect council tax discount and exemptions, benefit claims and residents’ parking permits through secure intelligent data sharing across boundaries
Rob Hawes - Revenue and Benefits Service Manager, Chelmsford City Council
How to Improve Local Authority Services and Reduce Costs
Let’s take a look at some examples of how local government authorities alongside the agencies they work with, such as the NHS, Police, schools, and social housing can capture the power of shared secure data to improve services and reduce costs.
Tackling council tax and housing benefit fraud is a major challenge for councils, but an area that can help recoup millions if tackled effectively. By bringing data together across local authorities a clearer picture of citizen claims can be gleaned and potential fraud identified. This data can cover council tax exemptions, housing benefit claims and residents’ parking schemes etc.
The VigilancePro Secure Data Sharing Platform can help local authorities and public sector partners to easily and cost-effectively:
- Share essential records to optimise the income from local taxes and reduce fraudulent council tax discounts and benefits claims
- Ensure data sharing that complies with GDPR
- Use powerful data analytics to interrogate multi-format data sets and unstructured data and correlate records together
- Share real-time data extracts that flag inconsistencies for investigation with the minimum of false positives
Once data sharing is in place, service improvements can also be made in a range of areas, such as integrating health and social care, modernising service delivery models, and ensuring the accuracy and compliance of sensitive data held on residents.
The VigilancePro Secure Data Sharing Platform can also assist local authorities and their partners in building cross-service solutions for the benefit of citizens.
VIPER (Vulnerable Person Emergency Response)
One example is VIPER (Vulnerable Person Emergency Response) which enables evacuation plans to be executed within minutes. This is achieved through:
- Using existing data sets to identify vulnerable people
- Sharing data with emergency services and volunteers via a bespoke secure mobile application which enables authorities to comply with the Civil Contingencies Act
The power of real-time data sharing across different platforms and devices, and full GDPR compliance can be brought to a range of different cross-service solutions. With our strong track record of working with local government, we can help you develop bespoke solutions that bring real benefits to citizens and improve operational efficiencies.
The VigilancePro Information Governance Solution can also ensure data security across all endpoints, including your employees’ work mobile devices. With more and more concern about employees using social media applications and sensitive data held in collaboration applications, it is getting harder to make sure that data compliance is adhered to whilst balancing organisational risk mitigation with privacy protection obligations.
VigilancePro enables you to proportionately:
- Monitor and audit all endpoints, including mobile devices
- Monitor the use of applications and lock down the use of certain applications on mobile phones
- Track sensitive data on mobile phones and other devices to ensure policies are applied
- Monitor and audit Instant Messenger messages, group chats, locations and file attachments
- Monitor voice and video calls
Proportionately monitoring and understanding employee user activity and behaviour on all devices can help you gain a contextual understanding of user activities and then enable appropriate action to stop the sharing of sensitive data and stop unintentional or fraudulent activities.
Find out more about how organisations are using VigilancePro for Proactive User Activity Monitoring and Insider Threat Management.
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Vigilant Applications Ltd and SeeChange Technologies announce a strategic partnership
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information governance into action
We’ve worked with a wide range of different organisations and local government to meet their information governance and secure data sharing needs.
Get in touch to book a discovery session, so we can help you streamline your services.